So what is a good bumper sticker to put on ones car? I was never into those so I could care less but I do admit that I like to read the ones on other peoples cars and if its witty and funny, I would point it out and admit of course that it was cool and made me look. SO here si to people with bumper stickers.

I am so happy that I finally saved up to get a new camera and it has 12 mega pixels which is way better than the one I had! I had one that was 2, lol, I know, not much picture taking but I had to work with what I had man. So I will be able to upload loads of pics on my blog, yeah!

My friend was telling me about her dreams to start her own business, I am all for it but how does she start? She mentioned that online you can actually get Small Business Financing when you are in the process of getting a Small Business Loan. helps people out with Small Business Loans when they need one, the process, from what I heard is very simple as well as reliable. Its easy processing and you get fast funds as well as great service, how cool is that? Check them out if you or someone you know needs a loan.

Strange Day

Wow, I swear that today was so weird, ever had one of those? I was finding things that were lost ages ago and hearing from old friends online, I was actually scared, lol. I usually beleive that such things happen when something is about to happen to you. I hope that it is just a fluke.

Oh my!! Today was so full of humid heat, I dare not step foot out!! Wow is all I could say. There were some powerr outages in some areas and I am so afraid of that happening to us, I just do not know what to do. I was thinking we should buy a generator but those costs so much, I need the AC on all the time in order to be comfortable.

I need to start eating a more healthy breakfast. I always find myslef having breakfast with my pals at fsst food places. Its so yummy but pancakes and mcgriddles cant bea healthy all the time. Its starting to make me feel so sluggish as well. But I did try eating a bowl of cereal and all I was thinking about was how much I wanted some hash browns and steak and eggs. Ugh, super unhealthy but mighty good.

What is the first thing that you do in the morning? Me? I have to check my email before I do anything. Who emailed me while I was asleep? Did I forget something yesterday and I am being reminded? Its weird, and almost scary, please say Im not the only one, no I cant be.

And I mean that! The kids are looking forward to to the end of the school year and for some reason, I am not! There is so much events planned as well as trips and outings. Fathers day, birthdays, weddings oh my!! But I do love it. Summer is around the corner and you know what that!!!!

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